jueves, 14 de enero de 2010


Obama promises EU’s
total support to Haiti

‘Haití tiene el apoyo total de Estados Unidos’, señala Barack Obama durante una conferencia de prensa, en la que anunció el envío de equipos de rescate para auxiliar a la nación caribeña

The president of United States, Barack Obama, the total support of his country promised Haiti and it informed of the arrival this very day of teams of rescue to help the Caribbean nation, that she was shaken on Tuesday by a loud seism.
The town of Haiti will have the total support of United States, that will answer for fast, coordinated and energetic form to the catastrophe.
Obama said that already the damages in flights on the Caribbean country and teams of rescue of Florida, Virginia and California have evaluated military North American aircrafts they will get to Haiti today and morning.
They prepare additional units of rescue and of medical staff to travel to Haiti in the next days, it informed .
The president said than for a country like Haiti that has suffered so much and is the poorest nation of America, this tragedy is specially cruel and incomprehensible.
The reports and the imagery that I have seen, of sunken hospitals, destroyed houses and men and women taking to his neighbors wounded by the streets, really music distressing, Obama, who an hour after it happen was told of the earthquake, said on Tuesday in the afternoon, local time.
The president promised the support of his country for the rescue of the people caught between the debris and the contribution of humanitarian assistance, like foodstuff, water and medicines.
Obama entrusted this Wednesday the boss of North American International Ayuda’s agency ( AID, for his initial letter of a word in English ), Raj Shah, that you address the answer of his country to disaster.
Shah, who has just occupied his new position in front of the AID, will coordinate the work of State’s apartment, the Southern Command of the Pentagon, responsible of the military activities in Latin America, in addition to the agency of help.
The rescue and recuperation will be complex and difficult, you made Obama firm. You have to be an international effort really, you added .
We must get ready for hours and difficult days, as we know the reach of tragedy, the president, that urged the North American to do donations to help Haiti noticed .

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