miércoles, 27 de enero de 2010


Juan Sabines Guerrero, Chiapas’s governor, you met with Social federal Desarrollo’s undersecretaries, Luis Mejía and of Planeación’s Prospectiva and Evaluación, Gustavo Merino; Side by side, they checked the different strategies and goals to raise the human development index at 28 municipalities of Chiapas.
Accompanied chiapaneco and the federal officials examined the various works and

Chiapas`s Government and sedesol check strategies to eradicate poverty in 28 mpios with

actions of social development of Social Desarrollo’s secretary of Chiapas, Seth Yassir Vázquez Hernández and of Hacienda’s secretary, Carlos Jair Jiménez Bolaños Cacho, the mandatory and it combats to take effect in the year 2010 to the poverty and they agreed to strengthen them.
Of united way, the federal governments and stater assumed the commitment to encourage items on the subject of basic infrastructure that they form depart of Desarrollo’s Objectives of the Millennium of the UN, to the ones that Chiapas is aligned, for constitutional obligation.
With Germán Palafox’s, Jefe’s participation of Microregiones’s Unit of the Sedesol, the governor Sabines recognized the federal government’s commitment, reflected at work shared that it has come true until now in Chiapas, in order to eradicate the poverty, and the ones it will take place to continuity.
In an ample meeting, they checked the works budgeted for in 2010 on the subject of social development, where Sedesol’s undersecretaries countersigned his commitment to back the work of Juan Sabines’s administration, to advance in the facts in the concretion of the presented goals.

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